Picture this: The kids are fighting over a toy in the background, you’ve got dinner going on the stove, the house is a mess, and you’ve got that work deadline looming… To say you feel overwhelmed is an understatement.
As moms, we’ve all experienced our fair share of stress from time to time, and if we don’t take measures to manage it, things can go downhill fast. April is Stress Awareness Month, so it’s a great time to bring up the topic and look for ways to manage our stress levels.
Read on to discover some of the most common triggers and stress-busting tips for managing your stress proactively, even with the kids in tow!
Common Causes of Stress
The way we react to stressors is unique for each of us. What stresses us out and how much stress we experience in response varies by person, but here are some common triggers:
- Feeling overworked or unsatisfied with your work life
- Big life changes like starting a new job, moving, getting married or divorced
- Financial insecurity
- A never-ending to-do list
- Relationship issues
- Having difficulty identifying and setting boundaries
- Holding yourself to unrealistic standards
- Chronic illness
- Taking care of an elderly or sick family member
- The death of a loved one
- Experiencing a traumatic event such as a natural disaster or a crime
Identifying your stress triggers can help you take a more proactive approach to managing your stress levels in the future.
Managing Stress
Here are some ways to manage your stress proactively:
- Schedule in “me” time before the kids wake up or after they go to bed. Do something you love that helps you reset, such as reading a book, arts and crafts, or binge-watching a show.
- Organize your life by writing everything down. Make to-do lists, use a planner or calendar app and create schedules for the week, so you always stay on track.
- Take care of your body by drinking plenty of water, getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night, and exercising regularly.
- Change your diet. Cut back on simple carbs and coffee and focus on eating more balanced meals throughout the day for sustained energy. Too much sugar or caffeine can heighten feelings of stress and anxiety. If you’re a coffee lover like me, try to avoid having a cup in the afternoon so it doesn’t affect your sleep cycle.
- Talk about it. Have a conversation with your partner or with a trusted friend and discuss the things that are causing you stress.
- Incorporate mindful activities into your daily routine, including meditation, breathing exercises, or yoga.
- Work on your mindset. When we’re chronically stressed, it’s easy to fall into a loop of negative thoughts, but you have the power to interrupt that cycle by injecting positive thoughts into the mix. Each time a negative thought comes up, challenge it with something positive and it’ll become more automatic over time.
- Take a time out. When you feel overwhelmed, it’s ok to take a time out. Walk away from whatever you’re doing and take some deep, slow breaths or go outside for a few minutes. Give your mind a chance to come back to center before you go back to what you were doing.
- Ask for support. Ask your partner to fill in a bit more when you feel overwhelmed or enlist a family member to help you out a couple of hours a week so you can spend some extra time on yourself.
Stress Relief (With the Kids In Tow)
As a mom, having time to yourself to relax and unwind may be a rare privilege. However, there are ways you can destress — even with the kids around. Here are some more stress-busting tips and ideas:
- Get outside and enjoy the Miami sunshine. Go for a bike ride or take a walk and play a game of “I spy.” The combination of fresh hair, sunshine, and physical activity is the perfect way to destress as a family.
- Take a mommy and me yoga class. It’s a great opportunity to get some stretches in while bonding with your little one.
- If your kids are old enough for chores, enlist their help with house cleanup or meal-related tasks. My girls have learned to fold and put away their laundry and sometimes help empty the dishwasher, too.
- Plan a mother-daughter spa day; mani-pedis, haircut and style, or massages and facials! It’s the ideal way to unwind and enjoy some special time together.
- Have a family crafts day. Creative DIY projects can be fun and relaxing for the whole family. Pull out the craft box and let everyone do their own thing or come up with a structured project you can all work on together.
Emotional, Mental, or Physical Distress
When stress goes unmanaged, it can lead to burnout, physical symptoms, and chronic illness, putting our bodies at great risk. If you feel you’re experiencing chronic stress and you’re having difficulty managing it, it may be time to reach out to your doctor or a mental health counselor for help. With the help of therapy, lifestyle changes, and the support of your loved ones, you can get back to feeling like yourself. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it!
I’d love to know: What’s your favorite stress buster?